Crimes And Coverups: Members of Congress Still Lie To USS Liberty Survivors About the Attack On Their Ship

It’s been what?  Over 50 years?  And Members of Congress are still lying about the attack on the USS Liberty. Not only lying about the attack but lying about the attack to us — to our face.  To the ones who were actually on the ship during the attack. Where do these lies come from? 

Israel, Which Still Won’t Confirm Or Deny Its Nuclear Arsenal Wants To Attack Iran, A Signatory To The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Israel, Which Still Won’t Confirm Or Deny Its Nuclear Arsenal Wants To Attack Iran, A Signatory To The Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Political Commentator: Killing Of Palestinians Extremely Common For Israel

Political Commentator: Killing Of Palestinians Extremely Common For Israel Political commentator Mick Napier believes the Israeli atrocities and the regime’s

Illegal Israeli spyware is being used to infiltrate mobile phones across 45 countries, including Britain, the US & Canada

Israeli spyware found on phones in 45 countries, U.S. included Source: English.Palinfo Cellphone spyware sold by an Israeli security firm

Notorious Crimes And Cover Ups: Hidden History, The USS Liberty Was Attacked By Israeli Fighter Jets And Torpedo Boats

In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force launched an unprovoked attack on the

Ex-Chief Of Mossad Says World Better Not Pry Into Who They Assassinate And Pull Trigger On

World better not pry into how we decide to pull trigger on someone – ex-chief of Mossad By Jim W.

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