Martial law in Burns, Oregon: Citizens Terrorized By Armed Government Thugs Under de facto Martial Law

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  • Martial law in Burns, Oregon: Feds terrorize local citizens with check points, random searches, and guns to their head

    Harney County citizens terrorized by armed government thugs under de facto martial law

    (INTELLIHUB) — With the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge finally over after the four remaining occupants surrendered to the FBI without bloodshed, the mainstream media has largely turned their focus away from Harney County and the small Oregon town that became the epicenter of revolt against gross federal government overreach.

    Despite this, there remains an extremely important story to tell, one that includes all the hallmarks of a literal police state including road blocks, road closures, check points, private mercenaries, papers please demands, and even guns pointed directly at the heads of law-abiding American citizens.

    While one can imagine that the de facto martial law across Harney County may soon come to an end, (will it?!?) the fact remains that this happened in an American state, to American citizens and literally nothing is being said about it in the mainstream media or by the numerous FBI officials who keep telling the public that this was all for their own safety.

    Remember, Intellihub News has already documented the fact that the rumors and eyewitness reports of private mercenaries operating within Burns, Oregon are indeed true.

    Amid rumors of armed drones above the skies of Burns, Oregon as well as private mercenaries operating within the town, new, credible eyewitness reports have emerged that confirm the existence of a massive amount of heavily armed paramilitary government forces patrolling both the city and the roads leading to the wildlife refuge.

    And now, thanks to some great independent reporting done by one Diane Rodgers, we can now put together even more pieces of the puzzle and the emerging picture is one straight out of Orwell’s 1984.

    In her report, Rodgers details her trip to Burns, Oregon in search for the truth and what she found should send shivers down the spines of all freedom loving Americans.

    According to Diane’s reporting, (and confirmed by a recent Intellihub investigation as well as multiple eyewitness videos) the small town of Burns, Oregon was literally turned into a what can only be described as a third world style authoritarian police state. Road blocks, closures, and forced check points became a common occurrence with citizens being randomly pulled over by authorities wearing no insignia who demanded their ID’s under threat of death.

    Rodgers reported:

    One rancher, Thom Davis, related his story in which he had a slowly dying horse on the range that needed to be humanly put down in order to relieve its suffering.

    The only trouble being that he was not that far from one of these check points and feared that should he have ended the horse’s suffering with a shot to the head, he too would have suffered the same fate. A fate that was later confirmed when he talked to the sheriff.

    Although there are dozens of eyewitness claims that correlate with the one above, perhaps the most horrific example of “martial law” in Burns is that of the one provided by local Alexandra Puckett.

    While initially attempting to stay off of social media during the occupation of Burns, Puckett eventually published a Facebook update regarding what her husband and his mother had gone through while attempting to lawfully go to their ranch. Remember, this is in an American city, being conducted by the very agencies (and private companies?!?) who are publicly claiming that they are in town to protect the people.

    “They had to go to the ranch to feed the cattle and were completely harassed by federal agents that are watching the refuge. “Harassed” is not really a term befitting what they did,” wrote Puckett.

    “Forced out of the rig at gunpoint. Handcuffed at gunpoint. Forced my husband to his knees with a gun pointed directly at his face. Guns pointed at my mother in laws face. Full body searches. Completely searched the vehicle and all its contents, even drove the vehicle,” she continued.

    As if this wasn’t bad enough, Puckett then described how one of the agents was a literal bully, threatening her husband simply for being an American citizen on an American road attempting to access his private property.

    “At one point an agent threatened to bash my husband in the balls while he was on his knees with a gun in his face!  Really???? This is a prime example of excessive force by people who have been given authority roles and take their power too far.”

    So there you have it. Oregon citizens were terrorized at gunpoint by armed thugs all in the name of protecting the people from citizens occupying a random wildlife refuge that literally never used violence on even one occasion.

    Obviously there is vastly more to the story and the seemingly unimaginable response to the occupation of the wildlife refuge proves that the powers that be are indeed scared out of their minds that the American people will actually wake up in mass to their crimes and corruption.

    Homepage featured image: USFWS – Pacific Region/Flickr

    Alex Thomas is an editor and opinion journalist at His articles and reporting have appeared on numerous news outlets including Infowars, RT, Press TV, and the Guardian. You can read more articles by Alexhereas well as follow him on Twitter here.

    Note: The following video provides an up close picture of the “armed thugs” – notice how they are wearing no official insignia.

    Additionally, Diane Rodgers also uploaded a video to YouTube that showed the FBI bringing in even more assets through the Burns airport. All for four occupiers who never even ended up hurting anyone.

    The Bravo Von Muller YouTube channel also recently released a video that was essentially a rolling slideshow of photos highlighting the government response in Burns, Oregon including the absolutely stunning photo below.

    YouTube screen grab
    YouTube screen grab

    Image: Nick Perla/Flickr

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